Thursday, January 19, 2012

Crafting, a new begining

So I’ve told the world about my new Cricut…the one I got for Christmas from THE best husband on the face of this planet!!  I am so excited about it that I’ve decided to start a crafting blog.  My thinking is that I’ll have a place to share my creative ideas, complain about my ideas that bomb and hopefully get more great ideas from people that read the blog. 

If you know me, you know that I love to craft. I don’t have any million dollar ideas or anything.  But I love to craft! My boys are ….well, boys…and too old to appreciate it like I do.  So, I need people that will get excited with me, praise my awesome artwork and potentially stop me from creating disasters! I know some of my other friends (and my beautiful, awesome sister) have a Cricut too so maybe we could work on some things together. I think personalizing something says so much more than how much you spent on it or where you bought it.  The invitations I made for the Halloween party in 2010 were pretty sweet. But seriously, a 3rd grader could’ve done it. In fact, if you looked close enough, you would’ve thought that was the case.  My cuts were all over the place and generally, it was a little too busy.  But we are our own worst critic, right? They were cute. I loved them. But I could’ve made them much faster and nicer if I would’ve had a Cricut back then!

I just can’t wait to get started on the invitations, greeting cards, gift tags, labeling, picture frames, bookmarks, ornaments…..and all the other fun things I have planned for this genius piece of machinery. I’ve played with it a little already, trying to figure out the ins and outs.  But my first real project is going to be….eh, hem…..drum roll please…..bbbdddddddddddddddddddd…..Oh, wait. I don’t know what to call it.  Crap! Well, I would like to make something cute to organize all my coupons.  Not necessarily a coupon book or a coupon box. It’s going to be so much smarter than that. My brain is on overload right now with all the ideas bouncing around in there!  I even went and bought a new cartridge today specifically for this project! (to add to the 2 that came with the machine and the extra my hubby got me!) It was only $20, shipped.  It has a ton of cute little food oriented cuts.  I am so stinkin’ excited!!  I’ll post some pictures either as I go or when I’m done.  Knowing me, I’ll have it done by the end of the weekend.  Ha! I guess that all depends on when that new cartridge arrives.  

So thanks for reading yet another blog of mine and I can't wait to get started! Please, please, please comment, make suggestions, ask questions....get involved. If all goes well, maybe I'll try to sell some of my creations on Etsy or something. :-) 


  1. Yeah!! Sounds so fun and I know you'll make all kinds of awesome things!

  2. I think it's pretty funny that I ended up with boys and my sister has girls. I could craft morning, noon and night and my boys want nothing to do with it. lol I'm super excited! Thanks Sarah! Maybe I'll bring it over to your house and we can craft together. :-)
