Thursday, April 30, 2020

Sambo's Crafting adventure begins!

Hello, friends!! Thank you for taking the time to stop by! I cannot wait to tell you what is in store for Sambo!!  It's been a hot minute since I blogged about arts and crafts.  Like, seriously.....2012!! Well it's 2020 and being in quarantine for over a month I've had a lot of time to think about what really makes me happy.  Aside from the obvious, family and friends, arts and crafts are my passion.  I could craft ALL stinkin' day! And I have!! I love to paint, craft,, not sew. I have a sewing machine....but I have never used it.  My mother in law bought it for me in 2003.  Yes, 17 years ago.  Wow.  Look, I don't even know how to sew, ok? But crafting is in my soul.  I craft everywhere with everything!! I love to make things.  I craft in the kitchen!! Some of you have seen my cake adventures.  I'm a wing-it kinda girl so whatever happens, happens! Ya know?! I love to decorate for parties, make gifts for people around the holidays, put together baskets, create masterpieces whether it's on canvas, paper, wood or in a frying pan! Now, I'm not the best cook and I'm not always neat and tidy.  But I let my heart flow into everything I put my hands on and most importantly, I HAVE FUN!!!  I want YOU to have fun too!  I hope that you will join me on this adventure because without you, I'm just passing time. 

For those of you that don't know me, let me give you a little insight into the world of Sami.  I am a 44 year old mother of 4, 3 amazing boys aged 25, 18 and 6 and a beautiful 26 year old step daughter. I'm married to my very best friend, partner in crime and soul mate and I've been an office manager in a small criminal law office for the last 21 years. I am sarcastic, goofy, slightly crazy, wear my heart on my sleeve (that means I cry a lot so don't be surprised if you see me cry over some glue mishap!), a bit scatterbrained (ok, a lot!), determined and ready to share and learn with you!!!

I craft. It's what brings me joy.  I don't like to spend money so my crafts are frugal crafts. A lot of times I use what I have, which is mostly, my imagination! I guess I'm kind of like my dad that way.  He loved starting projects, big and small.  I don't remember a time when he didn't have at least 5 different projects going at once.  He liked to stay busy. And so do I. Idle hands and minds are recipes for danger! My mother was a crafter too.  She loved to crochet, paint on fabric, macrame.  She was a busy body too.  And sarcastic. Thanks, mom. <3 I have always been a soft hearted, deep thinking, over analytical, idea brewing, motormouth.  That's me, in a nutshell.

It's amazing how quickly time flies.  I've gotten so used to the day-to-day in my life that every day feels the same.  And I'm not necessarily complaining. I  mean, I have so many blessings in my life, and I know it.  Maybe I'm approaching mid-life and well on my way to crisis, I don't know.  What I do know is that it's time.  Time to start a new journey.  So here I am, folks.  And this is what I am going to do.

I am going to craft, paint, cook, sew, and create and I'm going to share it all with you!  I'll post some stories on here with some pictures and eventually some step by step directions to recreate some of the things I do.  I'm going to vlog...posting videos of the processes and I'm sure there will be bloopers!  I'm going to go live!!!  I am going to start a FB page for my crafts so that you can interact there as well.  I might invite someone to come on my live with me so we can create together! I may do giveaways so you can have the chance to win one of my crafts or paintings and at some point, maybe I'll give away other things, like crafting tools, goody bags or CASH!  Ha ha....yeah, that might not happen for a while.  I told you, I'm frugal. But it's a possibility and I'm SO all about the possibilities right now!!!  My ultimate goal is not just to get this blog up and running, get crafty and have fun...I want to create a place where you can have fun too! You can learn just how crafty YOU are.  You can laugh (and possibly cry) with me while we explore all the possibilities in the crafting realm. I might take you shopping with me.  I might need to ask you for advice.  When I paint, a lot of the time I feel like my paintings were done by a child.  And that's ok....because children are amazing and have super creative minds.  But I realize it's kind of my style.  I want to know what your style is. I want to help you find YOUR creative side. 

So join me by following my story in this blog.  I'll keep you posted about upcoming live events and future craft projects.  Invite your friends to follow along too!  This is an adventure.  The more the merrier!  Whether your creative genius is not much bigger than coloring in a coloring book or you hold the title of master crafter, all are welcome!  I'm so excited to start this journey and I hope you will all join me for some super fun, entertaining and much needed love and laughter!  See you all soon!!!

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